Thoughts July 19, 2023 July 19, 2023 Tony/Robin Gray

What do you think Mary thought about growing up? Did she know the prophecy that Jesus would be born to a virgin? (Isaiah 7:14) Did it ever cross her mind that God would pick her to physically bring Jesus into the world, to be his mother, to raise him?

What about the disciples? Initially did they realize the magnitude of what they had become involved in? Did they realize before the resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10) Jesus would change the world not only for the Jewish people but for all people?

Why did most priests and pharisees not believe that Jesus was the Messiah? They had the Old Testament prophesy of the coming Messiah (Isaiah 53). What were they thinking when they saw Jesus perform miracles?

The Bible contains numerous prophecies. So far, all of the prophecies to date have come to pass. This would lead most people to believe that the remaining prophecies will happen.

Many people today are talking about the End of the Age prophesies. Probably most like the Jewish people used to discuss the prophecies of the Messiah, the son of God, coming one day before He came over 2000 years ago.

Prophecies of the End of the Age include: earthquakes, famine, wars and rumors of wars (Luke 21:10-11), people will call evil good, and good evil, and will seek pleasure, lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, unholy, etc. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) People will seek teaching that tickles their ears, (2 Timothy 4:3). And the most important prophecy as to the End of the Age is when Jesus says this generation will not pass away before His return. Jesus is referring to the generation at the time Israel became a nation again which was 75 years ago in 1948 (Mathew 24:32-36).

It is very likely that Jesus will return in your lifetime. And His return to the Earth is seven years after Jesus raptures the church (I Thessalonians 4:16-17).

Currently some people say, “It’s been said Jesus is coming back for the last 2000 years, why should I think he’ll come back in my lifetime?” Other people say, “When it happens, it happens.” They don’t think much about it. And of course, there are people that don’t believe at all.

A trend today is for people to say, “My Truth.” Truth is not abstract. It is concrete. Truth is truth whether you believe it or not. What are you believing? Do you believe Jesus is coming back?

If you understood the depth of God’s love for you, you would fall in love with Him. When you search for God with all your heart you will find him (Jerimiah 29:13).

What are you thinking about these days?