Words: Truth or Lies February 14, 2022 February 14, 2022 Tony/Robin Gray

Words are very important. They can change the course of history or they can change the course of just one person’s life. The dilemma is; are the words deceptive or are the words truth? How do we decern a truth or a lie? Are the words spoken from a selfish motivation or from selfless love? This has always been man’s shortcoming to be able to tell the difference. Words have the power to create or destroy. We each choose the words that we speak.

For the first several years of my life I trusted in words that I thought were true. Words in books, words from teachers, words from scientists, and words from other intellectuals. These words left me with nothing but a sense of hopelessness not only for myself, but for all the inhabitants of this world. In all of these words that I read and studied, I tried to find a sense of purpose for all that is.

I remember a storm of despair and hopelessness that Satan brought upon me at the age of fifteen. My family never went to church when I was a boy. All I saw as a young man was a world destroying itself. I thought Darwin’s theory of evolution to be true, so I could only think that man’s scientific advancement would save our species and what significance did I have. I see this very same false hope overtaking the youth of today. That we, as a species, can save ourselves and this earth. I was left with nothing but the knowledge that it was a completely hopeless destiny for myself and all of mankind. I started thinking about just ending it all, I even experimented once with a knife.

Then something happened. I was led away from all I thought to be true to what is true. For some reason (GOD) I picked up the dusty unused Bible that had been laying around all my childhood but never read by anyone and started reading it at night in my room.  I later found out that it had been given to my parents, after they were married, by my Grandma. Of course, I started at the beginning of the book (Genesis). I really did not have any grasp of what I was reading but GOD is Faithful. I also came to know that my Grandma had been praying for me.  One night my mom’s co-worker gave me a ride to a group called Young Life (www.younglife.org). Within a month I came to know who JESUS is. Within another month I had hope. At the age of 16, I asked Jesus to be my Savior and accepted Him as LORD of my life. I now had Hope and knew that I was significant to the GOD of all Creation.

 I’ve been in more storms since then, but HE is always there to help me through them. Never give in. Never give up. JESUS is in the storm with you. Reach out to Him desperately! HE will grab hold and not let go of you! He walked on the water of my storm and pulled me up from drowning in darkness and despair. He has walked beside me through every storm in this life and imbedded in my soul a Hope that no enemy, deceiver, destroyer can rob me of. This is Eternal Life with HIM in a universe that HE Created that He shall restore just as He restored me to Himself.